Rusty Fun -in a bag!!
After our last 2QAQ meeting (or 2quack as its lovingly called-our qld art quilters group). Ali had run a soywax and rusting day and I put my salt soaked white open muslin in a bag and left it while ai was away in Perth.
It wouldnt have lasted that long if i was home-it would be too much temptation watching it slowly develop in its clip[lock bag!
The first glimpseson pulling out of the bag
After our last 2QAQ meeting (or 2quack as its lovingly called-our qld art quilters group). Ali had run a soywax and rusting day and I put my salt soaked white open muslin in a bag and left it while ai was away in Perth.
It wouldnt have lasted that long if i was home-it would be too much temptation watching it slowly develop in its clip[lock bag!
The first glimpseson pulling out of the bag